What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Welcome to my life…there’s a book in there somewhere.


Have you ever walked along the beach, stopped and looked back at your footprints in the sand wondering how they got there? Have you ever been so lost in thought that part of this precious life has simply passed you by?

Have you ever made love to an angel knowing in that moment that your life had changed forever? Have you ever simply missed someone so deeply that it felt as if a piece of you had been taken with them? Have you ever felt the sting of loss so poignantly that survival is not a certainty?

I believe we all share similar experiences, and that at times some of us are more aware of them than others. I believe one of the purposes of my life is to have these experiences, observe them, and then write about them. I believe that my gift is not just in the writing, but in the experience and the ability to observe those experiences in their wonderful intensity. I am blessed with the gift of translating the language of that which inspires me into something that we all can understand.

Enjoy this, and I hope it inspires you in ways unique to your journey, your purpose and your joy.

If you like this blog, please share it. Comment. Share your story or simply hold the spirit you find within you sacred. Like my Facebook page. I thank you for appreciating my sharing, and am truly grateful for being able to do what I love in the way I do it.

I wish you peace, love and nothing but the best.



  1. Zacki

    Love it!! Just read your article about 9/11 at elephantjournal.com. WOW!! You are a gifted writer and I am glad to have found you…look forward to reading more!! Namaste.

    • tomgrasso

      Peace my friend, and thank you!

  2. Kelly

    Thank you for the reminder of who we CAN be, a reminder to choose love, brotherhood, humanity….

  3. amyc

    loved your article on elephant and the sentiment to not forget 9/12. thanks for sharing your gift with us readers!

  4. Joy

    Beautiful – I am moved and reassured yet again of the power of the written word, music and shared pain and introspection.

  5. Helen

    So rarely given such a poetic heartfelt glimpse of a man’s inner world …. Thank you

    • Tom Grasso

      It means the world to me to hear this…thank you!! 🙂

  6. Nicole

    Loved your elephant journal article. Enjoying your blog. You bring an intensity and honesty that isn’t often seen from men. Shared your blog with my husband which I know he will enjoy. Thank you.

    • Nicole

      I was referring to the Feb 20th article. What I love about you.

  7. Jocelyn

    I just read your piece ‘Until then….’ To receive a man in my life with this immensity of depth & knowing….wow…..all I can say is…bring it on!!!

  8. Julia

    I read your article about f I love you. How does a man who feels like that about a woman and experiences it with her, walk out? For the woman left behind, it’s exceptionally hard to recover. Extremely well written.I’d forgotten my feelings. Keep writing, whatever you do. Thank you.

    • Tom Grasso

      The woman left behind (having been the man left behind) needs to remember that sometimes that leaving is a gift. Receive it, open it, and enjoy it.

  9. sherrytuegel

    I was compelled to see more if your writings after reading ‘F*ck I Love You’ on Elephant Journal. WOW! Thank you!!!! <3 Check me out at http://body-beloved.blogspot.com/ Blessings!

  10. Tracee

    Wonderful writing … Just read the FB piece about you the night you almost ended it all (so painful so beautiful thank you)
    …. and a little of your adult only … Feeling rather breathless …
    You’ve inspired me Thank you

    • Tom Grasso

      Thank you Tracee. Now, go for it. Dance with fire, play in the sand. 🙂

  11. Meena

    She gave up
    Waiting for the one who
    Couldn’t say
    What she meant
    To him
    He read through
    The words
    Not written
    In all of those
    She wrote
    For he existed in those
    And yet he had none
    To say
    As she
    Walked away
    Looking back
    Her tears washed
    All the words
    She had written
    Each step
    Took her away
    And all she had
    Were more
    Sad bitter ones
    To make up for
    His absence

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