What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

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Out there…In here


I’ve heard you. I’ve heard you through the single wolf howling songs on a moonlit plain as the Earth echoed her intention. I’ve heard you in the chorus, in the song, and in the notes which are beautiful by themselves but become a symphony when united. I’ve heard you in the music, in the voices, and in the spaces between them all.

I’ve seen you. I’ve seen you in the wave-swept sands where the past has all-but surrendered to the sea. I’ve seen you in the little puddles that bore witness to a past storm, and I’ve seen you in the little ripples a discarded leaf makes when it lightly lands upon the surface of a stilled lake. I’ve seen you in the forgotten white lines of once painful scars. I’ve seen you in the swollen places that time has yet to heal, and in the unmarked flesh that gives light to the meaning of it all.

I’ve felt you. I’ve felt you in the silence, and in the noise. I’ve felt you in the darkest part of night, an in the brightest moment before the Sun crests the distant horizon. I’ve felt you in the cooling mist of breaking waves, in the warm tundra of sun-drenched sand, and in the fine line that separates the sea from the places we call home. I’ve felt you in the space where desert becomes oasis, where hard becomes soft, and where the cool breeze brings my sweaty skin to church in worship of the moment.

I’ve known you without ever kissing your lips or feeling the softest parts of your hand hold my own. I’ve known you without ever a word whispered in my ear, or a slight nibble on my shoulder. I’ve known you despite the distance and the time, and I’ve known you beyond the human measure of knowing what I know.

I’ve fought battles beside you without ever knowing your name. I’ve had your back without ever knowing where you were. I’ve caressed your skin, wiped your tears, and held you firm in your darkest hour. I’ve tickled you, brought you to the height of ecstasy, and heard you scream my name without ever laying a finger on the places that, I can only imagine, are begging for my touch.

I’ve been awakened by your movement through the empty space that lies beside me. I’ve been known to smile at nothing but the thought of you, and be brought to tears by the mere mention of your name. I stir in the deepest parts of peace just knowing you exist, and I’ve been raised off my knees to bear witness to the power of the song that’s brought me here, to the light that has shown me the way.

I’ve grown tall throughout these many years so that you may find firmness when you lay your head upon me. I’ve grown broad to shield you from the light that burns your brow. I’ve given life to fruit that nourishes your hunger, and I point the way to waters that will satisfy your deepest thirst. I’ve bent my knee to give you honor, and I’ve risen to give you love. I’ve suffered, so that I may live again.

In the truest testament of Love, I offer you my sword to place divinely within your scabbard. I surrender my shield that I may test the pains of death before I doubt you by my side. I’ve discarded my armor, knowing I have no need for faith beyond the sight of you. Whatever battles there are to come, I have all I need in the space I share with you.

 I’m here, there, everywhere…

No need to look or call.

For in this moment’s misery…

You find the beauty of it all.


I’ve heard you cry, I’ve heard you sing

Out beyond the mountains true.

But when you fly where I can’t see

It’s where I find myself in you.


For near the end we come to find,

As this body slowly bends,

That in letting go of all control

It’s  true love that never ends.

 Out there, a wolf utters her prayer to the sullen winter’s night. Out there, waves break and crest upon a summer’s scorching sands. Out there, a lonely leaf flutters down to break the stillness of a peaceful pond. Out there…well, the song is only music, the light is only stars, and the Sunrise is only a new day beginning.

Yet in here, in this space we share as two kindred souls writing the same song, the music found in rhythm, the settling of jostled sands, the ripples found in happenstance, all a testament of prayers that were never spoken. Thus lays the universal language of lovers. Therein radiates the power of silence, the strength of true compassion and the magnificence of single touch upon awakened skin. Therein is born the desire of conscious men and conscious women who know the value of their ecstatic combat. Therein lays the true meaning of relationship, of truth, and of holy love.

So, walk with me my queen. Lay with me upon the silken sands of my ocean home. Climb with me the highest peaks that we can find and make love to me upon their summit. Hold me firm when I begin to stumble so that I may pick you up and carry you when you grow too weak to walk. Guide me to your waiting breast and let me show you how an awakened man loves his awakened woman.

Fear not the changes that are to come. Jump excitedly from your empty nest into the plentiful unknown. Sacrifice the chains you’ve used for comfort to the uncomfortable freedom you so desperately wish to know. Fly high as Angels will, and do not stay put on this rocky soil to placate the birds who fear to fly. Instead, show them the way so that those who choose may kiss a summer’s sky. Sing your songs of merriment so that others may move to such a rhythm. Dance your joy until others know the movement. Howl at your loving moon until others see it, too.

In the end, I will hear you. I will see you, and I will feel you. Mostly, I will have known you, a true blessing in a life full of them. In the end, I will lay a flower upon your altar, burn a candle to light your image, and utter a silent prayer to the power of connection that goes beyond us mortal men. May each day be such an end, and such a beginning, and may this prayer find itself in the hallowed halls of eternity.

A Story Just for You!

I am both overjoyed and deeply grateful to announce a new service I am providing.

Recently, I was asked to write “personal” stories for some folks who follow my work, which I was more than happy to do. Of course I was unsure of what would be produced, but was very happy when the finished product was born, and was more than overjoyed at the reactions I received.

Here are a couple of reactions (offered by permission):

“Mr. Grasso,

I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to not only write this piece for us but for really listening and providing us with a beautiful, sensual, erotic and very accurate description of our relationship and the love we share. You have captured the essence of “us” and this is something we will both cherish. On a daily basis, your writings touch us both to the core of who we are but this piece is different. It is personal. We couldn’t be happier with this. Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough.

From our hearts to yours,


“Words that separate an enlightened man from an intelligent boy. In the deepest part of heart Tom has managed to thread the last strand of silk in the web of the life of human relationships. The essence of a woman borne to life living through everything that is visceral and culpable.  The letters on the page forming dew drops on the brink of falling, they glisten, and with each word manages to have you gasping for a taste. Words that seem to fall from the halls of Zeus and Aphrodite raining on a civilization that has forgotten what it means to truly be alive. A reminder of what it means to have flesh warmed with the beating heart. A very talented writer whose words wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic. Thank you Tom for your words which not only form prose but poetry for the hearts of the generations to follow.” ~Nicolette Lora Goodwin

So, whether you want a story written for a loved one as a gift, or a story for yourself, I would be more than happy to write one that is written only for you. This piece will not be shared (unless you ask for it to be), and will be written solely for whatever purpose you want. All I ask is that the copyright remain, and that any rendition you do of this work references the author (me). You are free to take the piece and to with it whatever you want under those understandings.

Please feel free to contact me via Facebook Messenger or email (Gyandeva.Writes@gmail.com) to get the ball rolling. I accept PayPal or credit cards for this service.

I also accept donations via PayPal on my blog at www.tomgrassowriter.com.

Thank you so much for following me, and for giving life to my dream of putting little pieces of me out into the Universe.

Much love,



Coming Soon to Elephant Journal!! “Two Artists, One Heart” (A Mature Excerpt)

When I closed my eyes I could feel her bare breasts pressing firmly on my chest as my fingers worked magic through her hair, our tongues wrestling in the glow of a moon in full worship of our love. I felt the full grasp of her womanhood as she took hold of me, and I knew deep down that this embrace would be difficult to end.

Coming soon to Elephant Journal! It will be shared on my Facebook page when it is published.

Love. Get Dirty.

In the rays of light that caress me through my window, I feel it.

Through her words, often spoken in moments of deep emotion, I feel it.

In the deepest moments of insecurity and loss when she offers you safe haven, I feel it.

Through the rapid wind where she vanishes like the mist, I feel it.


Love is often lost in the modern sense of things. It is like a drink we often drink too fast, like fine dining we have replaced with fast food and drive-thru windows. We seek it quickly, lose it rapidly, and then wallow in the effects of our choices for days.

We fall in love for various reasons, not realizing that every reason to fall in love is the wrong one. Love has no reason. In fact, love is often unreasonable, and it takes us to uncomfortable places we’d often never choose to visit. Love just happens for no reason at all, except that it wants to.

We refuse to fall in love for various reasons, not realizing that every reason to reject love’s advances is the wrong one. Love is often unreasonable, and when the undertow of the its great ocean pulls us in we can either choose to relax and go along for the ride, or fight and drown in its mighty current.

Sometimes we’ll drown either way. The point is, however, how we choose our demise. Do we choose it in ease or in struggle, in panicked chaos or peaceful acceptance of the realization that we are not really in control?

Lovers are unreasonable beings trying to make reasonable choices with ideas that don’t really exist. They fight with themselves often, as the pull of what they were taught opposes the reality of what they are experiencing. Gone is the “way it should be” replaced by “the way it is.” It can be a painful process, depending on how new the experience is.

Conventional wisdom doesn’t work with lovers. Love is unconventional, and applying the laws of physics to it drives it to oblivion. The best lovers dance to the song written within them, knowing full well their true partner will be dancing the same rhythm without even knowing it.

So, when the rays of sunlight caress me through my window, I feel it. I want to share it, and I want to know it. I want to pull her close and let her feel the warmth too. I want to kiss her while squinting in the light, pull her close as our bodies glow in its effect.

When she speaks, I can feel it. If you want proof that words are energy just sit still and listen to your lover. Regardless of the words, you will feel each of them. Her words will flow through you and over you like a warm fire during a blizzard. In fact, you may not even realize the blizzard until you listen to her speak. The tone and sound of her voice will give you pause, and you’ll find yourself needing more.

When you feel lost and abandoned, unsure of everything around you, she is there. Like bedrock in the sand she holds your weight, letting you know that you have nothing to fear. She’ll grab your face and your eyes will be drawn to hers like the Moon to the Earth, and you will know. All is in order even in the chaos, and all is as it should be even in the turmoil of your boiling cauldron.

When she vanishes, you will feel it. Whether it be an hour, or a day, or a week, her absence will scour your body like the roughest wool. When she gets busy with those “other things” you will feel her absence. It will sting you like the harshest wind-swept sand, and ensure that you never take her presence for granted again.

That is love. Unreasonable, unconventional. Painfully beautiful. Like the mud puddle your parents told you not to play in, simply roll around in that stuff. Get dirty, and she’ll get dirty with you. Then, if you are lucky, she’ll help you get clean.

But that’s another story…

Beyond Words, Beyond Promises

Lovers (Down by the Playa)I can feel you. I can hear you. Yes, baby, I am here.

I can feel the ground tremble beneath your feet, and watch the sand shift where you stand. I can hear the music the grains of sand make as they embrace during their journey back to the sea, and I can hear the fear rumble out of you as your mind embraces what is no longer there. I can sense the little pieces of you that sacrifice upon the altar of memories, and sense the chains that rattle around your mind; chains that keep you there, fully away from here.

I shout in your direction.

I am here! Beyond words, beyond promises, I am here!

The winds swirling within your mind have deafened you. You can only hear the words of then being thrown like daggers at your heart. You can only hear the promises of yesterday shattering before your eyes and landing at your feet. You are lost in the storm, unaware of the blue skies around you, forgetting the warm sand at your feet.

My eyes see your blinding beauty, but it is my soul that hears the truth. My eyes speak to the hardest parts of me, but it is my soul that drives me toward you. I do not fear the downpours in your mind, or the thunder in your heart. Storms do not threaten the loving soul within me. I’ve seen the land beyond the words and promises that create them and know the truth.

Each cell within me begs me onward, each throb demands my full attention, each truth requires a certain demand. In this moment there is reality.

For beyond words, beyond promises I stand, waiting for the moment when you can hear me speak without words and walk next to me without vows. There, you will be my drink, my breath, my lover…

In that past there is a certain misery. In the future there is a promise surely to be broken. You cannot love yourself in the future. You cannot heal yourself in the past. There is only here, and now, and beyond the words and promises of the healer and the soothsayer lives a reminder that the only truth is where your feet now stand, and where your soul has rooted despite where your mind has grown.  I beg you, be flexible in the storm’s great winds and survive; be hardened and they will see you splintered and broken.

No more words beyond this moment’s truth need be uttered, no more promises beyond where your love now stands need be shared. Make love here, and now, not there, and then. Grasp each moment now in a way that forces your release of the moment past, and cherish each kiss that makes you forget the last one taken. See each moment as a sunrise you are seeing for the very first time, and know power of a man in a way never before seen, never before experienced.

For beyond words, beyond promises I stand, waiting for the moment when you can hear me speak without words and walk next to me without vows. There, you will be my drink, my breath, my lover, and the ground beneath our feet will be as stable as the wind beneath our wings. There, we will find heaven.

Conscious Man (A Poem)

Photo by Tom Grasso

Photo by Tom Grasso

Beyond the weathered jetty
Beyond that deep blue sea
Is a dream I’ve often called to
The better part of me.
Beyond the ocean’s torment
Beyond the frothy shale
Is a mountain I call out to
A summit I often fail.
Without such mindless measure
A conscious man I wish to be
Whose footprints tell a different tale
A spirit whose set free.
Beyond the ocean’s drift line
Beyond the seaman’s boast
My aged feet will find a home
Upon that rocky coast.
Beyond the whims of others
Beyond their unconscious wail
You’ll see my mast unfurled and true
As I set my heart to sail.
Without such loving pleasure
A mindless man upon the sea,
A drunken monkey on an ocean
Is all I’ll ever be.

I Have Tried, Failed, and for this I am Sorry

La soledad es de piedra/ SorrowI need to speak your language. I need to speak in a way that you will understand. I need to remember your language, the first language I was taught, in order to talk to you so that you will hear me.

For this I am sorry.

My word will need to become fallible,  and I need to take this personally.  I will need to again make assumptions. In fact the only agreement I have made with myself that will remain intact is that I will try my best. I will try my best to see things as you see them, not as I see them. I will try my best to assume what you assume, and say what you want said, in the way you want it said. I will try.

I have failed you. I have not been fixed to your satisfaction. I don’t see the story the way you want, and I don’t hear the music the way you do. I have tried, of course, to be who you want me to be. I have made a liar out of myself in order to be the version of me you wanted, you needed, you required. I pretended to bloom when my flower had not yet even formed, and I tried like hell to fly when I wasn’t even yet hatched from my own egg’s shell.

For this, I am sorry.

I have failed you. I have failed to dance the steps you have laid out before me. I have failed to hear the rhythm of the song you’ve sung to me, and I have failed to remember the chorus as you have written it. I failed to remember when the woodwinds were to enter, and when the percussion was to fade. I just could not get the song written within me to quiet down long enough to hear the song you wished me to know, to hear, to dance to, and to play. I tried, and I failed, and for this I am sorry.

I have failed you.  I could not end my philosophical nature, and I could not stop asking questions. I can remember as a child, beaten and broken, asking the most fundamental question “Why?”.  That question kept me sane in the most insane moments, and as the answers came I began to understand so much more than anyone could teach me. I could not stop asking the questions not because I love the question, but because I love the answer. I know you valued my silence, those moments when I had no questions and therefore had no answers. I lied to you, pretended that silence reigned and answers were not offered. I tried to be the type of noise you wanted to hear, and I failed. For this, I am sorry.

I have failed you. I tried to see the art as you saw it, and I tried to blend the colors as you wished. I tried to play with the blends of the palette you gave me, and I tried to make sense of them as they touched the canvas of our lives. I tried to hold the brush as you suggested while shading in the shadows of my life with the brushstrokes you prescribed. I did what I could to pretend the shadows were not there, that the voices that had always pushed me forward were now dormant parts of a past that had been forgiven. I worked to prove to you that nothing existed outside of the world we had created when, in fact, it all was very real in my mind. You could not see the love I brushed freely between the frame while I tried hard to remain focused on what never existed for you. For this, I am sorry.

I have failed you. I cannot see love as you do, and I cannot find the silence within me to just allow it to be. I can’t speak my truth without it becoming a lie to you, and I can’t hear your truth without being lied to. I have seen a Great Place, and have eaten of its fruit and tasted the waters from its clear streams.  I have felt its silky sands between my toes and basked in the gentle breezes of its shores. It’s hard for me to remain silent in the face of such a place, let alone not share it with you, my friend, my love, my sacred self. I try, and fail for reasons unknown to the point I wonder if the effort is worth the joy it costs me. Then, you throw your stones and stamp your feet, and I wonder if the joy is worth the price as well. For this, I am sorry.

I have failed you, and in the process have been left unsure in wave after wave of doubt bound in unbridled certainty. An anger builds up within me, reminiscent of a time and place so foreign yet so much like home. I have tried to shed that vein of pulsating heat within me, and in return it has come back to whip me across my back like a withered stick, leaving blistering welts of insanity in a testament to the practice. I am but a man, after all, and I’m not sure why they desire a god in my place. Is the punishment I bear too great for me alone?  I do not know, and for this, I am sorry.

I have failed you. I have dreamt of your luscious breasts and the sound of your beating heart as I press my ear close to them. I have tasted you firmly upon my mouth, and I have breathed your breath and bared my soul to you a million times in my mind, yet never uttered a word to your waiting ear. I have traced unimaginable lines among the countless bumps I have raised upon your skin, yet never pressed one finger to your supple flesh. I have felt you press into me a thousand times as my mouth kisses desire upon your waiting neck, yet I have never once held you in my arms. I wait, wondering if you can hear the subtle whispers from my soul in the light breezes that wisp upon your waiting ears, knowing that if you can you may not even recognize the voice. I feel afraid, and for that I am sorry.

I have failed you. As the winter’s morning sun glistens upon my icy window I can feel the pain coursing through my body. I beg forgiveness for some unseen sin, and ask for no more than I deserve be written in the annuls of my life. The me I know is not the me you care to see, and the me you see is not the me I care to know. Do I succumb to the pressures of being your friend, or do I simply concede to the art bestowed upon my canvas in the manner few can find beauty in? Do I choose to stay my course, or do I choose to force love to again grace my battered timbers? I want the warm glow to light my way, so why can’t I seem to see it? I am lost I suppose, and for this I am sorry.

In this struggle to be clear I have lied to you in the most honest way I can. I have poured my cup out, and claimed the emptiness as some magical place upon which I offer you a drink. I have lost my way, but I don’t care, I just want the pain to end soon, and have it serve a purpose. I want to run through the leaves stiffened by the winter’s grasp. I want to walk through the woods I love beyond my words to describe. I want to carry you high upon my back through the foggy mist of changing times. Heal me, my love, my light, my greatest friend. Feel me, all of you, and know me real beyond the idiocy of our minds conjoined in endless chatter. Here, there, everywhere we find the love we say we seek, and realize that it was there all along.

So now I fade, to focus on the truth I know exists beyond the lies we have agreed to tell each other. I will see you when we crack the surface, embrace the depths, and breath our lives anew.


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