What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Tag: covid-19

If only I had listened…

Here’s what I can say to those who are protesting public health measures put in place to protect our economy, our people and our community. I say it in love since that is, right now, all I have to offer. No data will convince you. No science will sway you. Perhaps love is the way to your salvation.

Right now, you feel fine. It’s easy to protest things that oppose your ideas of freedom, of capitalism, and of ideology. It’s always easy to adhere to a principle when it’s not being challenged. It’s easy to be strong when you don’t really need to be.

Perhaps soon, your recklessness will catch up with you. You may feel a tickle in your throat or an ache in your body. “It’s no big deal,” you will say to yourself. You may, if you are one who can admit making a mistake, put yourself in quarantine to protect those you love or you may continue your recklessness and ensure those around you that “it’s no big deal.”

Perhaps that cough and ache get worse, and maybe your fever starts to spike. You’ve felt this before, it’s no big deal. You’ve always recovered in the past with some antibiotics and rest. You call your doctor, who says you are showing signs of coronavirus. He says quarantine at home. He tells you that there is no treatment, that antibiotics don’t work with this virus. You’ll just have to ride it out and hope it doesn’t get worse.

And no, there is no test that they can give you. You aren’t sick enough to warrant a test.

That angers you. You have the right to know what you have. Ah, they remind you, this is a serious pandemic, and everything has changed. There are just not nearly enough tests to go around. Sorry, but you aren’t rich enough, famous enough, or athletic enough to warrant being bumped to the front of the line. Athletes, CEOs and celebrities are being tested. You? You’re just an average American who must be near death to be given a test.

Still, you’re the brave one. Invincible, you might believe. It’s all going to be OK.

Then, perhaps, it gets hard to breathe as your fever spikes. You can’t seem to catch your breath. Few things scare people like not being able to breathe, and here you are, the bravery beginning to falter, the invincibility beginning to wane. The feverish chills course through your body as your panic increases. If only you had been smarter…

You miss your family. They are not able to come see you. If you die, you will die alone. There will be no memorial, no chance at good-byes, no final moments you share. Your final moments were spent convincing others of your bravery while convincing yourself of your invincibility. Now, the illusion is gone as you face your own mortality.

If only I had listened…

Have I infected my children? My spouse? My friends? Time will tell if you are the one they point to as a reason for their suffering, their loss, their pain. Perhaps you all will learn a lesson. If it is not too late.

You wonder how you are going to pay for all this care you are receiving. Will your family be bankrupt as a result of your illness? How will they survive if you do not? How will they survive even if you do?

It’s gotten so hard to breathe. The doctors, all bundled up in their protective gear, come to tell you the bad news. You will need a ventilator to live. They will sedate you, put you in a drug-induced coma, so that you don’t gag on the tube they are about to put down your throat. You want to be strong and brave again, but all you can do is look around you. Is this the last thing you will ever see?

I want to touch my children, tell them how much I love them. I want one last kiss with my spouse…

Those things will have to wait, and as you quickly fade asleep you wonder if they’ll ever come.

If only I had listened….

The Great Opportunity Before Us

I did not sleep well last night. There is so much to worry about and so much to fear that I experienced what has become a rare instance of horribly mindless dread and anxiety. It’s been years since I’ve experienced this.

This morning, I awoke groggy but determined. I meditated on my experience last night, fully realizing that it served no real purpose other than to make me groggy. Something had to change, but what was it?


We have a choice in these times of adversity, and those choices are a reflection of who we are. Are we the hoarder or the sharer? The chrysalis or the butterfly? The cub or the lion?

Neither is wrong, just a reflection of who we are in the moment.

We have a great opportunity in this adversity we have no choice but to face. We can reconnect with community in an impactful way or we can remain in a secular shell that has little bearing on the day. We can take no more than we need or take resources away from our neighbor. Either way, the choices we make in this moment of adversity will speak candidly of who we are and speak in a way that echoes for some time to come.

I believe the Universe has given us this moment as an opportunity to define, or redefine, who we are. It has given us a chance to reconnect with not only our neighbor but also the grand vision of who we want to be. For me, I’ve been able to reconnect with that part of me that loves other people, who seeks to protect them and help them whenever they ask. I’ve also been able to continue to fan the flames within me that burn for health, life and happiness.

History has not been kind to us lately. In a horribly decisive climate we have been embroiled in battles over character, leadership, and philosophy. Today, however, the challenge must be to overcome such things as a community of humans Being, a community of supportive individuals who neither run from our collective responsibility nor cede the power of individual awareness. Our challenge, in my opinion, is to find our common philosophy and build (or rebuild) our communities based on it.

With that in mind I think it is time for me to focus more on my heart and community than on the issues dividing us. I am, frankly, sick of politics and the way that discussion makes me feel toward many of my neighbors in a time of great challenge. I think it is time for us all just to follow our conscience as a reflection of who we are and stop discussing it.

I have my way and you have yours. My mind is not going to be changed by endless banter and neither is yours. Our ways, whether similar or vastly different, reflect on who we are. I no longer want to argue with you when I know I need to work with you to better our community and sustain ourselves during this moment of adversity.

So I will be snoozing those on social media who seek to argue and be divisive, and that includes political candidates. I am not trying to censor anyone but rather just don’t want the energy-zapping negativity in my space during a time when I need the energy to fulfill my vision. I just can’t argue with you about your choices when I am busy working to fulfill my own.

That is how it is going to be for a while. I will take this moment of challenge as a great opportunity to live, in the way I CHOOSE, and be free enough to allow you to do the same.

Peace, and much love to you.