The Ledge. That single place that is the line between where we’ve been and where we can choose to go. We stand there, alone in our assumptions and solitary in our thoughts, uncertain.

We are, in our power, the definers of our moment. In our sense of who we are there is often a hint of who we were mixed with the sense of who we wish to be.  Those hints distract us from the moment, as the abyss before us and the jagged rocks behind us often keep us from seeing the beauty that exists on the very ledge we stand.

Often, our hearts have been shattered, our brains have been injured, and we stumble amidst the dizzying tears that blind us from our light. We lose sight of the power born in the scars we see, and the strength shown as we rise from the tumbles we have taken. It’s not the fall, my love, that matters. It’s the way we stand, dust ourselves off, and honor the truth that there is no injury in the standing. The injury lays in the way we remain crumbled though we’ve stood, hoping for higher ground when every place we stand is a summit unto itself.

Honor yourself on the Ledge. Kneel upon that sacred ground, and give thanks for the place where your knee meets your moment. Own the strength to stand, to gaze upon the power that you are in the distant horizons you seek to touch. Recognize the power you have created in scaling the jagged stones and stumbling down the rocky pathways of the places you have been. Just don’t lose sight of where you are in the moments you gaze forward and backward. Don’t forget who you are as you gaze at the stars above your head. You are there, already, just honor what you know to be true. You can no easier stop the Sun from rising than you can stop your truth from unfolding once you tap into the nature of its existence.

The truth for me is love. Not in the cozy, smiley ways we think of love. My love is whatever it needs to be in the moment. It can be brutal, comfortable, loving, harsh, caring, distant, accepting, intolerant…sometimes even all at once. The one constant the love I feel and share offers is my truth. It is what it is unapologetically. It sustains me in times of great challenge and weakens me when a challenge is exactly what I need to experience. It picks me up when I’ve fallen, and trips me up when the path has become too cozy and life is not being lived to its fullest. It sits with me in my moment of blindness and leaves me when all I have is sight. Love gives me what I need, always. Especially when I’ve lost sight of who I am.

Suddenly, I find ourselves standing upon a Ledge. That Ledge, you know the one. We’ve all been there before.