What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Round Peg, Round Hole (A Conversation at the Altar Stone)

Sometimes we walk forever just to find that one spot we can all home.

So, I’ve walked. I’ve walked a hundred million miles, sometimes wearing shoes that will never fit and sometimes wearing no shoes at all. Life, for me, is a varying degree of shelter and openness, of solitude and a deep desire for my soul’s companion.

“What do I need to do?” I ask the Ether. “Teach me.”

I am gifted with a vision. In it, I am there, in front of a board with a single round hole. In my hand is a single, green peg. It is obvious that the peg was made for the hole, of that I had no question in my mind.

“Now, put the peg in the hole,” they said. I did as instructed.

I could feel resistance. The resistance became unnatural, surprising, and I began to feel upset at the two not going together as expected. I began to push harder, to which there was an equal increase in the resistance.

“I don’t get it,” I said. “This is supposed to be easy.”

“So you’d think. However, what is all of this ‘supposed’? Who said it was supposed to be easy?”

“They seem to be perfect for one another. It should just fit. It should take no work at all.”

“Again, so you’d think. However, what is making it harder is your expectation. You expect it to be easy, and at the first feeling of unexpected resistance you begin to push harder. In reality, you are creating your own resistance, and that is increasing the work needed to make what should fit, fit.

Try it again, this time let go of what you believe should happen and just do your part. Have little concern for what the other should be doing.”

I reinserted the peg, this time having no idea what would happen nor any attachment to the outcome. The peg slid in easy, exposing the perfection of the union.

“See. What is meant to be takes little work. There is always effort involved, but little work.”

“What’s the difference?” I asked.

“Effort is natural. When flowers bloom, that is an effort. The Sun rising is an effort. Leaves changing colors is an effort. However, it isn’t work. Effort is natural and in the flow of truth, work is something that takes us away from our truth and into the real of expectations. Effort is your putting the peg in the hole, work is forcing it in. Things fit, naturally with no work. That’s when you know you’re in flow.”

I thought about that for a moment. I understood the point, but questions arose as to its practicality

“But how do I just let go of everything like that? I have wants, needs, desires…”

“Yes, you do. Imagine how boring your experience of being human would be if you didn’t! Effort is in accepting those human things when work would involve repressing them. The real question must be, how do those things serve you?”

“I am not sure.”

“They allow you to be human. You are, after all, a human. The spirit you now and love, the very thing you feel flowing through you right now, is what is having the experience through you. We want you to have this experience. We need you to.

Consider this. You are so loved, just as you are. If your humanity is causing no harm, and is an expression of the love within you, you must let it guide you. It may create pain in your existence, but it will serve you. Trust us, trust it, and trust that part of you that knows it.”

My mind took me back to moments when I refused myself, when I denied those things that I knew to be true. I was reminded of the suffering that resulted.

“I get it. I must trust myself in order to create the life experience I want to have.”

“Exactly. Your Love isn’t in love with you because of some idea of you. Love sees you as you are, and needs you to be exactly that. Your lives are joined, always have been. The lessons have been learned, and now you are a part of each other’s path, of each other’s lesson, of each other’s experience. You’ve been tested, and you know your truth. She sees your truth, and loves you for it. You owe her that truth because she will grow in your truth, and you will grow in hers. You are no longer meant to go it alone, even in those moments when you enjoy your solitude. For both of you, there will always be a returning home, regardless of the moments you spend outside of it. We’ve kept you apart until that moment when you needed each other, to be in each other’s presence. That time has come.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

“No need. We are not done yet. There is more to come. This a time of enormous growth for you both. We will not forsake you, we will be here for you. Such is the power of your union.

Just remember. Round hole, round peg. There is no need for resistance. You will, however, experience it. Both of you will. When you do, turn to each other. That’s the beauty of your meeting. There is no need, other than choice, to go it alone. Try it.”

“I will. You’ve given me much to think about.”

“Don’t. Your thinking about it is meaningless. Feel it. Try it. Confide in her. She’s ready. Trust this process, and the instincts we’ve blessed you with.”

“Ok. It’s been a great walk.”

“Yes, it has.” 



  1. Laura Burns

    The depth you explore in your writing reminds me Byron Katie. You’d love her story.

    • Gyandeva

      Thank you. I know of her, would love to explore more.