I watch him walk away,
That son of mine,
A piece of me much younger,
Now getting older,
Causing me to count my remaining years.

Memories of your first breaths,
Arms and legs flailing in disarray,
A mind and heart born so innocent,
Life poured out of me as you held me by my finger,
It filled your hand back then.

Recalling your first steps,
That smile, that laugh,
Some things that have never changed,
My boy, how fast the time flew by,
In an instant life has changed direction.

And your first words,
Your personality flowing joy and laughter,
You made me laugh right from the beginning,
So much of me there is to see in you,
I struggle to keep you from repeating the mistakes of your father.

The swish of a diaper
Now replaced by the sounds of sneakers on the floor,
The sweet sounds of baby talk,
Now conversations of a young man speaking his truth
To the older version of himself.

The once-soft skin laden with baby jiggles,
Now becoming strong in the burden of a larger frame,
Context notwithstanding, what a powerful soul you are,
You want to grow up so fast,
I beg you to please slow yourself down.

For one day you may be me,
Watching the best part of you walking away,
Heading towards his own destiny,
And you will hope,
That he takes the best parts with him.

For now, I will watch you head in your own direction,
A tear flowing down my face
Toward my heart, a heart filled with love,
For you are, and always will be, my son,
And I am, and always will be, your dad.

© 2019 Tom Grasso, All Rights Reserved