I love,
And I just don't know what else to do.

I'm peeling off the layers of my self,
Throwing my identity into the fire.

Tossing all those preconceptions to the wind,
Letting us build this from virgin dust.

Because I love,
And I just don't know what else to do.

Bit by bit I whittle away 
All the stuff that serves me not.

Painful though it is come look at what is there,
Beauty in the bandage place.

I have discarded so much refuse,
The inferno warms my soul.

What once comforted me,
Now keeps me from my dreams.

What once helped me stand,
Now drives me to my knees.

I throw it all away,
I am but an infant in the learning.

But I love,
And I don't know what else to do.

I've loved you for a million years,
I'll love you for a million more.

Though this life's dust has settled on my heart,
You wash it away with just a whisper.

Now, settle in my arms,
Let me read you our story and never say a word.

Because I love you,
And don't know what else to do.