My God, what can I hope to do,
To show you my gratitude?
For what I’ve found right here, right now,
I surely owe to you somehow.

My God, whatever can I say,
To offer love to her this day?
These words I say, these words I write,
Are not enough at the end of night.

Says Venus to this open man,
“What is there to understand?
Just keep on walking the path you know,
The seed you planted will surely grow.”

“But how do I,” came my reply,
“Get out all this stuff inside?”
Venus laughed, I heard it clear,
“Just listen to your heart, my dear.”

I blinked, I sighed, I let it out,
For what she said I could not doubt,
For as weakened as my heart may be,
It’s still the strongest part of me.

For a stoic man cannot deny,
The how, the when, the what and why,
He just sees that star above,
That guides him to the one he loves.

For those of you who know the truth,
Who’ve defeated those beasts of youth,
There is no place you’d rather be,
Then in the arms of destiny.

Venus now fades into day,
The Sun takes over to guide the way,
Before she leaves one final word,
And this is what I know I heard.

“Born to find her, that is you,
She was born to find you too,
Both of you were made to be,
The star at night you long to see.

“The day is coming, just be there,
Present in the space you share,
Take her hand when the seas get rough,
Knowing that you’re hand’s enough.

“Lean on her when the west wind blows,
For she is stronger than she knows,
Your weight will not crush her love,
For she has Angels up above.

“For few things are made like this,
The power found when you kiss,
The truth of her with the truth of you,
Is what the power of love can do.”

Something in those words felt right,
As Venus disappeared from sight,
A light now filled the sky above,
As I gave thanks to the one I love.