What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Category: Short Stories (Page 31 of 46)

A Moment Cherished

lovers“Who are you looking for?” came a voice in the night.

“You,” I responded. “This, us, everything.”

This is how it happens for me. In the darkness of night I hear her, and in the throes of my slumber I can feel her. There, I can look into her eyes and feel it, and there I can touch her hand and know a truth that is, and has been, a certain reality.

“I’m happy you were patient,” she says, touching her hand to the place where my heart resides. “I’m happy you were there when I called for you, and I’m happy I was here when you finally arrived. I’m happy your arms were empty when I reached to embrace you. I’m happy we both were tested, and that we have finally reached our place, our time.”

The look in my eyes spoke total agreement as my beating heart sung the praises of a moment fought for, a moment cherished.

My mind first wanted to travel backward, to the scattered remains of lessons learned and of things lost. It screamed for attention to the bandaged places, but when I looked there all I saw was light. It wanted me to revisit old pains and distant agonies, but my heart had set the bridges to those places afire, turning them into impassable piles of ash.

Her lips drew my attention back to the place on where we stood, together. I could feel the sturdy sands of our beach give way slightly to my bare feet as we kissed, the warm surf surrounding us in our moment of pleasure. The sea tugged at us, wanting to pull us away from our place, but our root held firm as our passion grew. There was no other place out there; for us there was only the here, the now. As the Earth held us tightly, the air embraced us gently as the sea issued its sweet song of surrender.

Here is love, and here is where it will be.

My mind then wanted to travel forward, into times not yet created but certainly well-known. In the fear of a moment never seen before, the mind wanted to find security in what it had known, and in the process created tomorrow out of yesterday. For a moment I could not feel the soft sand beneath my feet, but only felt the stony beaches of yesterday. I wondered if those rocky coasts were my future paths, and if the lies uttered by a hundred mouths before would one day be said by the lips I so eagerly tasted now.

Now. Come back, now. Please listen…

Her hand on the back of my head brought me back to our place. It is said that tears are a release of stories kept deep within the soul, and I release mine as my mind surrendered to what the rest of me was screaming. I listened as fear raised a white flag to the moment, surrendering to the passion, to the promise, to the reality of a moment cherished. There were no more footprints in the sand save the ones we were rooted in, and there were no more doubts in the bedrock of water and sand in which we now stood. The miracle was that the sun had risen as though it had never, ever set.

Our lips parted and we looked deeply into each other’s eyes. I could see the trail of tears on her cheeks that framed her beautiful smile, and I smiled in return as she wiped the last vestige of old stories from my face. I knew, then, that she had traveled far as well in our cherished moment, and that we had not only shared a collective peace there, but also an individual journey in the seconds we first felt a new reality. Some connections cannot be explained, or reasoned. They can only be known, and when two hearts know that connection as truth, nothing can stop the dream from becoming real.

“Thank you for waiting, my love,” she whispered.

“I had no choice,” I responded. “You were always speaking to me, always there. Even in the darkest hours I could hear your voice begging me onward, reminding me of things not yet done, and places not yet seen. Thank you…”

She hugged me tight, no other words needed to be said.

We looked down the beach, deciding silently to head in that direction, to everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Our hands embraced as we splashed along the way, laughing and talking the entire way toward each sure footfall, each telling footprint in the sand.  Our night was drawing to a close.

I awoke with a smile and a renewed feeling that change was coming. The emptiness in my room became filled with birds singing from beyond walls through cracks the windows would provide. I had never seen it so bright on such a cloudy morning, and even as the humid air stuck mildly to my naked form there was a sense of comfort there. There was always a sense of comfort in surrender, in knowing that control was only possible over the choices I would make. In those moments my anger over the lies of others in their untrue testaments of truth and promise would end. It appears those souls were simply unconscious leaves from the tree of life that the wise wind had taken away.  They were malformed to my purpose but certainly valuable to another’s, and the release became a testament to the promise kept to the one who will be waiting.

There is great service in truth, in surrendering to the will of the wind and the great sands where we stand. There is a great love shown in letting go of the pieces that just don’t fit for they, too, deserve a true moment cherished.  How many square pegs continually grasp at round holes believing that with great effort will come a perfect fit, all the while finding the work undertaken is destroying both pieces. We deserve to be honored, to be cherished, for who we are by those who need not change to cherish us.

We all deserve our truth.  Once we discover what that truth is, I mean. Until then, we all deserve our illusion separate from those who can’t live within it.

As for me, I have vowed to remain true to that which I am seeking, knowing full well that it, too, is seeking me. I cannot return to the human expanse of barren promises and broken dreams that I know all too well. I not only burn bridges that would take me back to those places, but blow them up with an abiding attachment to my own sense of truth. It has taken me a long time to arrive, and I’m not giving up the hard-earned ground I’ve traveled for a sense of human security which is, of course, a human frailty. Each experience teaches me, each dream fulfills me, and each cherished moment reminds me of who I am.

I love even the round holes to my square peg. They are beautiful, which is one reason I don’t seek to change them more to my liking. While I do wish they’d stop trying to change me to theirs, I understand who they are and where they stand. We often seem to fear uniqueness, we seem to fear that which reminds us of what we’ve created as a painful truth. We seem to fear aloneness and become fearful of those who don’t. We fear being different, and work hard to fit into places we truly do not belong. “If I need to change to make them happy, why don’t you need to change to make me happy?” seems to be a mantra of leaves unaware that they, too, are simply blowing in the wise wind. We often don’t seem to learn that the “one” will never arrive if we are busy holding onto the “wrong one”.

So, yes, my lover, I am letting go. One day there will be a light so bright as to blind us both to everything not within it. There I will go, even if only within the confines of my slumber, to let you know that I, too, am waiting for our moment cherished. I know it is coming.

You May Never Know

Love In Such A WayThere are things you may never know.

You may never know how often I think of you, how the very light of morning brings you from the depths of my heart to the surface of my mind. My mind embraces you in the pink hued rebirth of day as I know you again in the awareness of my first breath of the conscious day.  I feel alive simply in the thought of you.

You may never know how I feel you when the cool spring breeze gently teases the sweat on my skin. I feel you in the desire of my body and in each drop of water that soothes my thirsty soul. I know the truth because I feel you, and I know the lie because I pretend that you don’t exist.

You may never know that I found love with you. How I smiled through the tears knowing you were happy. How I flinched with joy as the pain consumed me whole, knowing you were flying high somewhere. You may never know just how much you helped me grow, and how free I was in your absence to discover the wonder that was always there. You may never know how losing was my greatest win, and how depths of the greatest suffering I have ever known led me to the highest highs I have ever seen.

You may never know how cleansing the muddy water has been, or how refreshing the stench was to my unconscious mind. You may never know how high I flew with you in the wind our moments made, or how hard I landed, broken and mangled in the twisted weeds of your lies and deceit. You may never know a thing, but that would be more than you knew before.

You may never know how your crooked mind bent me, or how strong your switch taught me to be. You may never know the full rage of my hatred, or the full scope of my love. You have grown so distant, so skewed in the tortured, distorted rows chaotically dug in the infertile fields you have plowed. There you left a baby to die, a boy to fester, and a man to rise again above the mud and sludge of the wasteland you tried to create for him.

You may never know how much I love you, and how burning the bridge that connected the infernal anger to the man whose torch it was to bear, was the only way I could survive. You may never know how forgiven you are, and how this life, this story, this simple prose is not at all about you.

From the harshest desert to the lush, green oasis of my life I’ve walked unsteady, but sure, toward the clarity that was always mine to have. I have torn through thick brush and danced in soft meadows along the way, and the contrasts have taught me things you may never know. Above your protests and your challenges I stand, knowing where I am simply through the memories of where I was. Beyond attachment to that weathered past the sun shines brightly on my naked back, a testament of my human bonds. The shadow ahead of me is the only thing that knows where I am going, while the light behind me knows surely where I’ve been, even as my feet are firmly planted in the soil of my present moment. The burning pain on my bare skin has always driven me forward toward the shade my shadow knows exists, and while you may never know where the source of shade will come, I will hug the tree and bless the storm clouds that often give me respite.

Such is the depth of my depravity, the hopeless in the greatest hope I’ve ever known.

You may never know that as the darkness deepens into the thickest part of night, as my eyes grow so weary they cannot help but close, a thought of you will creep into my heart, creating dreams of what will be when the dawn returns anew. A chuckle comes, and then a sigh, and perhaps a lone tear from my weary eye. You may never know, and for that I am all too grateful.

Goodnight. To all of you, my blessed teachers, my unsightly demons, my impatient students, I love you. To the wondrous night I surrender, and the coming day I pray for yet another chance. To the one who will love me through the cracks in my solid frame, I pray for your arrival. To the one who will love me through the blinks in my steady gaze, I hope for your embrace.  To the one who inspires in me a great union, I promise you my frailty. You may never know how long this journey’s been.

How In the Hell Do They Do It?

ElephantI don’t know how some writers do it. Onward they go posting many articles a day about all kinds of stuff. I see them all over the internet, posting daily different articles, on various things, for many blogs and I wonder how the hell they do it.

I can write like that sometimes, depending on the inspiration and the muse. Usually, though, my day is so crammed with non-writing essentials of living that I barely have enough time to fill my passion. Other days find me completely spent, the well dry, wondering how the hell they do it.

For me, writing can be akin to going into labor without the pain, blood or “other stuff” that comes with it. I give birth to something, somewhere, and it comes out of me in a rush of raw emotion and conscious expression. In the end, I am usually left drained as if there was great sex involved with a partner I cannot see, but certainly know is there.

Maybe it’s not like labor, but more like the event that created the need for labor. I’ll chuckle a bit at that one.

So, I wonder how they do it. I’m left spent and drained after pouring my heart into my art, and they are pumping out stuff like there will be no tomorrow. Here I am feeling like I just gave birth to a baby elephant and there they are like a fish laying eggs all over the ocean floor. Who is the blessed one? I don’t know, but my proverbial birth canal is sore and tired, screaming at me in a not-so-quiet way that “it ain’t you, pal.”

If you are wondering, I have no idea why I am so obsessed with the reproductive system today.  Maybe it’s because I’m a man. Maybe it’s because I’m a man who once dreamed of being an obstetrician until, one tragic day, I found out I would have to be a gynecologist as well. “I love pizza too much to open a pizzeria” I remember saying in my rather immature way (like it was last week). Frankly, I don’t know how gynecologists do it.

For those of you used to my normal deep, philosophical prose about life and love, I’m sorry if this just doesn’t fit that bill. I’ve been fighting the urge to write about stuff that makes me laugh so much that it’s created a writer’s block of sorts in me. It’s as if the Sun was screaming at me, “You fool, I’m not on the morning horizon any more. I’m a bit west of center now, so stop trying to look for me over there.” I listened, and submitted to simply sitting down and writing what I am told to write, instead of what I want to write.

To those who just sit and write what they want, I’m jealous. I don’t know how the hell you do it.

Oh well, time for this nonsense to end. I’ve got balls to bust and fun to be made in the spaces between the work I have to do. If I don’t end soon these 600 some-odd words will become 1200, or maybe 12,000 and I will have exceeded my own 30 second attention span. I just have to surrender to the fact that I’m an elephant with the attention span of a dog trying to become a fish in a sea I want to bathe in.

Oh, look, squirrel. How the hell do they do that?

I Know

Alone againI want to shout out my open window to the singing birds.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, but I swear by the very stars in the blue sky above that I will do it!”

But of course I know what I am doing. I’ve always known. Even in the throes of great unconsciousness I’ve known. Even as the torrid rains of suffering have washed over me, I’ve known. Even when I’ve had no clue, when I’ve been so completely and utterly lost amid the creations of my mind and ego, I’ve known. I’ve known it all, and in the well-meaning and devout oath I utter to the ether around me, I realize I know this, too.

A subtle wave of bumps, born deep within yet now exposed upon my knowing skin, issues me a simple truth. I know. In the fluttering of my youthful heart and the throbbing of my male virility, I hear truth with every pulse of life within me. In the pit of my stomach, in the place that knows the language of the gods and where the Universe speaks to me, the truth rages like a stormy shoreline whose sands are firm and whose lighting strikes and thunder claps remind me simply that I know.

And the birds keep singing, because they know too. The little tufts of white born against the blue canvas that make their way quickly past my view, know. I know those blue skies lie, pretending not to know that beyond the illusion there is an eternity of possibility; where each ray of light offers thanks to the space that allows it to be. Yes, even that dream surely knows. I dive deep beyond the obstacles my mind creates because there, in that awesome stillness found upon the stormy shore, I know.

“God, I love…”

I pause. Not because I fear the words my mouth is about to utter, but because I want to feel it as each word spills from my beating heart.


Exhalation. Joy. I know.

You Are There, I Am Here, and That is the Way it Is

danceI love you.

You may never know how much, but I love you. You may never know how the fiery idea of you consumes me; how the wonderful thought of your embrace comforts me. You are there, and I am here, and that is the way it is.

Please smile.

You may never know how your smile sends my soul to flight, but it does. You may never know how the curves of your lips and the light in your eyes sends shivers up my spine. You are there, and I am here, and that is the way it is.

I want you.

You may never know how much, but I want you. You may never feel the way my body responds to your touch; how the very thought of my flesh in your hands sends me into a frenzy. You are there, and I am here, and that is the way it is.

Please be happy and free, and let the light spring breeze soothe your mind and set your heart liberated in the fields of perfect harmony. Please know the love that has brought you into my soul, and feel the light that has shown me the way to wonderful places. Go there, feel the soft sand in your toes and the world at your feet; look up at the clear blue sky with your arms spread wide and fly wherever you wish to go. Wear no chains on your feet and allow no man to clip your wings.

I ask you, my love, to be all these things. Be light, and free, and wise because I have given you up to know these things. Know yourself not through the cynicism and dependence you were taught, but through the love and power you became the moment you were conceived. Do not find fear in the thunder, but love in the rain that pours all over you.

If, then, you wish I am here. Waiting, among the ecstatic sounds of love and fragrant life abundant all around us. We can make love in those fields while dancing in the fullness of our own unique humanity. We can shiver in our touch, sweat in our mystic delight, and be humans within the cloakless form of wonderful anticipation.

Good night, my darling.  I say this prayer that you may dream of the wonderful potential beyond the obstacles you see. There I am waiting, and there is where you’ll find me.

A Certain Insanity

MoonlitEmbraceI wonder aloud about how crazy I am. With each blink of my eye her image appears, and with each renewal of sight I feel the urges born in the softness of her touch, the taste of her lips, the scent of her being wafting through the open air. I can feel her hand in mine, the way her breasts press against my chest, the way her hair feels in my clenched hand as I pull her harder onto me. There is, standing by the heat of sexual desire exploding all around us, something much higher holding the flame against the holy fuel of this passion. I need her, badly, and not just as the object of my body’s desire.

What insanity is this? What angel has sown the seeds of mortal craziness within the confines of my liberated soul? What prayer has been answered that will surely throw me into a pit of pure fire?

I don’t just feel this throb in the familiar place, I feel it in places left dormant by my journey’s effort. An uncertain song has been replaced by a sure mantra of hope as the frosted chill of winter has been transformed into the warm breezes of spring. A voice within urges caution while another urges me to jump headlong into the fire where I will not fall to burn, but rise to fly as a flaming arrow through the air.

There are moments when every cell in your body challenges every cell in your head, when the spirit within begs you to throw yourself off the cliff even as the mind begs you to caution. There are wings on us all, somewhere, often beaten back by time and circumstance but who spring to life when we simply jump outside of that thing we call “comfort”. We deserve, at least once in our life, to fucking give in to the truth we feel instead of the truth we’ve learned. We deserve passion, joy, truth, honesty, loyalty and liberation all packaged neatly in the frame of someone we simply can’t get enough of. We deserve to know heaven.

We deserve to be insane sometimes, to cater to the whims of our soul rather than the chains of our thoughts. We, as beings in love with all of who we are, deserve to be loved not in fingers that snake between our own, but in the feeling we experience when our skin meets. We deserve not to be slaves to the kiss, but to the pleasure that kiss provides. We deserve to know ecstasy, over and over again, until the sweat drains the very life from our bodies and offers it as a gift to the moonlight surrounding us. We deserve to know each other there, and we deserve to simply say “fuck it” and jump.

Ok, a breath. A sigh. A deep exhalation releasing the absolute desire welling up within me. In this swirl of certain insanity I relish the way it makes me feel. Not as a slave to fear or to regret. Not as a man chained to a some whimsical idea of what should be, but as a spirit flying high above what was once but no longer needs to be. I want to be free, and I want to whisk this woman away beyond those places that have created the scars she touches in the moments when her heart beats loudest. She must volunteer, and once she steps forward the wind will pick us up and we will soar high above this place.

For now, I will rest with the voices and the uncertainty that is my certain insanity, speaking as nothing but a dream intertwined into the fabric of my own reality. It’s a great ride, the watching the firmest bedrock set into its permanent place. Soon, someday, the wind beneath me will feel equally firm as we rise above the clouded earth we’ve known. Silent prayers are uttered by the chorus within me even as the flesh responds to the warm remembrance of what brought me here. For that I am very grateful.


A Place Called Harmony

loversThe whisper speaks. Sometimes in a language your aren’t sure you understand.  Be quiet, let it speak, and feel its message as the darkness fades away around you.

Like some great monument of hope, the sun rises above the frosty landscape of your mind. Your body shivers in the warm contrast from night into day, and your heart responds to the change by forming tiny pools of light in the deepest parts of you. You feel the urges of a soul renewed, the promise of a dream realized, and the truth of the moment as your feet land in the exact place they were meant to be.

It’s indescribable, benign yet remarkable at the same time. Words are traded in increasing anticipation of the moment you find a comfort familiar yet unknown. You want to dive into those blue pools that have taken your breath away and sink until you find their soulful bottom. You want to hear more, even as the fire within you builds from a tiny spark into a raging inferno. Soon, you are consumed by it and, with any luck, you become a sun rising above her horizon too, warming the furthest reaches of who she’s grown to be.

Fascination is born in the simplest places. There, memories fade when bodies touch and fires meet, and in the truest space desire melts as two people answer the call they shouted to one another an eternity before. There is no rhyme or reason to the embrace, there is only a dedication to a journey begun as they discover the very thing that has always been searching for them.

Heaven is there, in that space. It never fades and it never truly ends. It exists as a constant beginning in the screams of passion and ecstasy found in each moment of their breaking dawn, in each kiss shared, and in each human reaction their souls demand they make. In the courage of a step taken, in the warmth of truth shared, and in the promise of a first kiss, the mountains bow to their sun, and the valleys flourish in the hope of what is yet to come.

Great things are born there, and in the awesome presence of a voice whose language we cannot speak,  we live. Perhaps just for a moment, perhaps for a lifetime, but live there we do for as long as that sun may shine and the voice may speak. Here’s to hope, and to the pleasure possible when two lovers meet at the perfect place at the perfect time. We call that place harmony, and may we soon make a home there.

The Awakening

Cupid Awakening PsycheA sleeping person is at their most dangerous in the beginning stages of awakening as confusion between what is real and what is dreamt creates chaos. When one is losing the safety and security of their dream, the fear they feel often creates reactions that are unpredictable, and their desire to fall back into slumber is at its greatest. The strong will continue with the process, the others we return to the cozy throes of the dream, regardless of how painful the nightmare has become.

If you have awakened, you can recall that time when you, too, battled the fear that nearly drove you back to the illusory light of darkness. You can remember the fiction you created in your mind, how you pretended to be fearless, strong, and awakened. You can remember the fear that caused you to grasp, not because of the security of your own reality, but in the dreaded fear of another. You can remember the time when the idea of being alone, truly alone, was so frightening even as you pretended to love aloneness in all of its glory.

You can remember the dream you had of heaven and hell, of sinner and saint, of morals and ethics, and how utterly devoted you were to the ideas implanted in your heart not by the God you worshiped, but by the men who created Him. You will recall how devoted you were to guilt, to seeing selfishness as evil and unholy, and you will understand the fear your brother or sister feels in their first moments of awakening.

You will be reminded even if for the brief nanosecond of time the memory arrives in your present moment. This memory will focus the love that your awakened Being knows, and you will act in the compassion such love demands of you. You will not need force it, but like a caregiver you will assist in whatever way you are guided, and you will feel so much love for your neighbor that you will help either the flower close until it is ready, or help it bloom into the magnificent colors it was destined to shine. In that moment you will become lover, friend, guru, student, all at once.

To me, that is what is meant when Christ said, “Love thy neighbor as I have loved you.” Be rooted in your own sense of self in the place that you are, and be true to the only thing that you know – you. In that way, your neighbor will always get the best of you, and you will always present the best of your Self.

Love, sometimes it’s the ax, sometimes it’s the tree, and others it’s the hand the wields or embraces either.

The Waterfall (Excerpted draft from “The Wanderer”, coming soon)


I’ve heard it before, but it has been so long that the sound is not a familiar one. In a swirl of clichéd verses shouted down my spine like a waterfall of déjà vu moments, some pleasant, some not so much, I hear it for the first time even thought it feels like I’ve heard it as some persistent mantra in my past. Like the roar of great cascading falls, I can hear the stories being told and the wisdom being shared, and can feel the not-so-wise teardrops wetting my mind like a mist departing the roar of those cascading waters I’ve known forever, but only now have seen fit to call my own.

The loud roar of droplets being torn from their placid flow fills the air around my observant soul; each one telling its own story in a way that makes it seem oh-so-real. The air dances as it embraces the misty tales of love and woe, each teardrop filtering the light around it in tiny little hues of color and bewilderment. It’s hard to focus here, and I hear the Voice whisper to me in the warm, spring arms that embrace us all,

“Your saddest tears can create the most beautiful rainbows if you point them toward the light.”

A smile crests my soulful lips as I watch each drop float in the sunlight before landing on my skin. I can see the hues of color projected chaotically all around until, mystically, they form one brilliant, bright rainbow upon the very mind that creates them. If I change my view the colors fade, and the mist becomes nothing more than a chilled reminder of what I lack. My choice is to remain where the warm sunlight shows me the brilliance all around.  There, I am free to smile, to love, to accept it all on terms uniquely my own, on conditions that suit the me I wish to be.

I have followed the river against its flow until I came to this place. I have learned a great deal, but as I look upon the great falls in front of me I wish to scale the rocky cliff to find its beginning, and to find the source of all I seek to see. I’ve discovered the wounds fail to exist in the presence of such great wonder, and that the darkness we seem to dwell on fails to live in places where the light shines even in the tiniest of specks.  We are the gods of our own devices, the masters of our own destiny.

“The world is not flat as you’ve been taught,” says the Voice. “Go find the new world, and fear not your discovery.”

The Wanderer begins.

The First Step

Lunchtime Sketch - Eye


Are you searching for your soul? Then come out of your own prison. ~Rumi

She dreams so loudly, like an exploding star in the vast distances of our universe. In the vacuum there is no sound, only the bright light of a brilliant soul radiating from her eyes, but in the ether she loudly displays the fantasies of a well-traveled mind. There is a certain air to her illusion, a certain power to the way she sleeps, yet a definite familiarity to the story and her devotion to it.

I wonder, am I so familiar a being to her?  Do I live in the quest to find my own sense of comfort? Do I have a way about me that grasps so rigidly to the ideas I was raised to know? Do I define people so easily as to not truly know them? Have I defined her this way?

I listen to her story, one she’s likely told silently and aloud a million times before. I don’t know the script, so I improvise responses rooted completely in my truth and laid neatly in the fog of her beautiful mind. I feel myself getting lost not in the story, but in the one telling it. Her eyes embrace me tightly and I’m lost in the swoon of her tales. I enjoy the back and forth of equal minds sharing their tales of joy and woe, and the suddenness of the warmth growing within me shines brightly in the gaps between my thoughts. Tell me more, please. I need to hear you sing.

She smiles, letting me share the humor within her as it tickles places within me. I try to reach inside her through the crevices she allows me to see until I reach the walls she has yet to tear down. I can feel the years of work done there and, for a brief instance, I lose myself in the sadness of this place as I discover the years, the tears, and the wounds that give life to this hardened part of who she is. I’m brought back to the moment, mostly due to the power in her eyes and partly because I want to honor the warrior who sits in front of me, shrouded and blanketed yet fully exposed in both the reality and fantasy of the her own unique human experience.

Here I find I would rather be nowhere else. Here I am in amazement, bewildered by my own sense of truth mixing with hers, sensing something real in the illusions we share. I can either surrender to this journey or run from it. My legs decide they can’t move, my mind decides it is safe, and my heart decides that it is exactly where it wants to be. The white flag is raised in the most wonderful way possible.

There are no certainties in the folly of man and mind, yet first steps are as close as we truly get to the future we so devoutly question and so eagerly entertain. Those steps can often resemble an infant crawling, a toddler’s clumsy footfalls towards there, or the strongest of warriors walking headlong and confidently into battle. Yet they’re all the same. They are all motions toward a fate we choose, and we arrive in the best way we can with no certainty of destiny’s sweet embrace.

Yet we go because we must, in either direction in whatever manner we choose. Some remain stoic as granite statues sculpted by the winds of suffering that have weathered the softness away. Others move in various ways toward the sands and surf of a life ripe with beginnings. In this dream, in this illusion of promise and bewilderment, I sit and stare into the eyes of an angel, wondering what lies within the footprints not yet cast.  I smile, and I know.


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