There were moments
When I would walk in the Ocean's sands
Totally alone.
In my dizziness, in those seconds when I'd fall,
I could swear I heard a voice
Driving me onward,
Only saying your name.

Bloodied knees, 
Dripping life down the limbs of my existence,
The winter winds blowing as the Sun would rise,
Muddied, wet, frozen though I'd be,
I swear I'd feel a warmth comfort me,
Warming my heart to beat,
In the whisper of your name.

I had to lose almost everything,
To receive all I could ever want,
I had to nearly die,
To know how life was truly meant to be lived,
I had to tumble into silence 
Just to hear the calling of your name.

We've walked the same weathered beaches,
Heard the same shouting of the galls
Played in the same Ocean tides
All the while coming to the place,
Where we could walk together,
Just biding our loving sands of time.

What is left?
We build our hallowed sanctuaries,
Color pictures of our past with rays of blessed hope,
Holding hands, crossing covered bridges,
Writing moments of truth in books left 
For older versions of ourselves.

In this heart, beating in part for you,
Love unequivocal in the steeled will of a man,
He will walk many paths he fears for you,
Face fires of his mind that have scorched the earth before,
Quiet all the loudest whispers echoing from back then,
Just to hear the faintest whisper calling out your name.

I know no greater truth,
Than the waves of love pouring through my Soul,
When I hear your voice, 
When I feel your skin,
When I hold the flesh that is a mirror of my heart,
Or even in the quietest thought calling out your name.

We can see the footprints we've left in weathered sand,
Up ahead, still the foggy screen of what we fear beyond,
Yet my soul commits me to this path with you,
My heart knows no other purpose,
A prayer, uttered in your name.

To love you any other way,
Would be to lie to the God who brought us here,
There is that power surging through the cells of me,
A light beholded to no mind, 
A space that understands no limitations,
A wisdom that speaks a truth calling out your name.