My Love,

With each passing moment I am reminded of things. Special things. Things that embolden me. Things that enlighten me. Things that cause me to rise when rising seems impossible, and drive me onward when it seems I have no strength left to give.

I am reminded of what is within me. My soul seems like an evening sky, a darkened canvas full of space and time and remnants of moments past filled with promise of what is to come. I can sit in my present moment and look at the vast expanse of my soul, seeing stars that twinkled eons ago and things falling through the shroud of security around my heart. Like streaks of light those pebbles fall, and in wondrous moments of awe my eyes capture them and hold them dear even if only for a second.

You have shown me a great love within me, a love that lights that sky and changes things completely. The warm rays of light draw your name on my skin as the the black sky turns to blue, and life around me seems to jump with desire to live. I take my steps now seeing so much around me in this light, and I bask in the renewal of promise as each foot falls loving on ground made solid in knowing you.

The days pass mostly without you beside me, yet you are within me. I feel you when I touch the great mountain stones along the trail. I know you when I see the vastness of a world before me as I stand on the ridges of my journey. I’ve walked our beaches alone knowing you’d be there with me one day, and as forlorn as that aloneness may seem there is a lightness to knowing your presence exists somewhere where no foot can fall, no finger can touch, and no words will ever need be spoken.

I feel that one day I will not need to speak so much, or write so many words. The best stories of my life are yet to come, and they shall not be written with words but through my fingertips drawing lightly on your skin. The best truths of my life are yet to be spoken, but they shall not come through words but with my hand on your heart and my lips pressed against your own. The truest things I have ever done are yet to come, an extension of the truths I share with you now, and they will be a testament to this light I’ve found inside me. The light that whispers your name. The light that guides my way. The light whose gravity pulls me toward the greatest space I’ve ever stood in my life.

Before I met you, I knew you. Before I knew you, I felt you. But love you? There was no time before I loved you. I loved you the moment the Universe was created. That great explosion of truth sparked the moment when the light began to shine, and the dark sky knew its first breaking dawn. So blessed am I to have seen the Day in your embrace. So blessed am I to have been a student at that heart of your truth.

I will now seek you in my silence and kiss you there. Feel it, my love, and wait for the moment when our bodies can feel the truth of what we know.

Your Love.