What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Category: Poetry (Page 24 of 36)


This beast, the end of all Reason,
This doubt, the end of all control,
This war, the end of all sanity,
This pain, the beginning of the end of me.
This Life, taking me to peaks and lows,
This time, talking to me endlessly,
This Love, taking me to Infinity,
This path, changing me to hostility.
This moment, I have nothing but Love,
This heart, it has nothing to hide,
This mind, it has nothing to gain,
This Soul, it has nothing to lose.


I feel Her in the night…
Comforting me, lulling me to sleep,
Awakening me to unspeakable ecstasy.
My breath stops, my heart races,
She takes me into Her softly,
Binding me to our own Eternity.
I reach, she grasps,
I search, she gasps,
We head into Heaven together.

I Thought

I thought,
Said the Spider to the Fly,
Was that you would love me
For doing this to you.
I thought,
Said the Fly to the Spider,
That I could forgive you,
For doing this to me.
I thought,
Said the target to the bomb,
Was that I’d accept you,
And look what you did to me.
I thought,
Said the bomb to the target,
That you accepted me,
But look what we did to each other.
I thought,
Said the Lover to the Beloved,
That you’d be with me forever, that I’d have the time to tell you these things,
But look at where that got us.
I thought,
Said the Beloved to the Lover,
That I’d live long enough to share with you my Heart,
But now all of that is forgotten.
I thought,
Said God to the helpless Mind,
That you’d understand the Present moment,
But all you did was relish in the past.
I thought, 
Said the helpless Mind to God,
That I could fix yesterday by living it today,
But all I did was waste my time.
I thought,
Was never a Truthful answer to a question,
It was a lie created to protect us from ourselves,
But all it did was keep us from our Divinity.

Tale of Two Voices

The skies menace and betray their ambivalence, 
It’s coming, It’s coming,
There is no Sun, and the storm is on its way
It’s here, It’s here,
If I could only hold your hand.
Eris speaks softly in my mind,
“Take control and dare the rain to stop you,
Do not accept this Storm,
The scars are all that remain 
As blood trickles down my cheek.
Metis says,
“Open up your arms and embrace the downpour,
Accept It for what It is, 
The smile betrays my existence,
As the tears wipe clean my crimson face.
Memories cascade through my mind.
It’s you, It’s you.
I fight through an angry crowd of doubts,
It’s me, It’s me.
And in the end I stand alone,
Weather-beaten and haggard from it all.
Eris says,
“Take hold of this and see it through,
Stand alone and need nothing,”
No one.”
The heated sense of rage fills my body
As my fists clench and my cells accept their fate.
Metis says,
“What is this fear but a fantasy?
Stand together and change the world,
The peaceful calm of a million lifetimes
Washes over me like a forgiving summer rain.
I close my eyes to seal my fate,
Into Your arms I fall, into Your heart I seek refuge.
For I Love You despite the brewing storm.
My strength devotes itself to You, my heart beats loudly Your name,
I succumb and let it be,
And alas the Sun peeks through the clouds, I am free.

The Garden

I find mySelf floating,
Amongst the reeds, hiding in the tall grass.
And I wonder,
Who am I saving mySelf from?
Who am I running from?
And to whom is this current taking me?
I smell the sweet fragrance of Anthurium,
Somewhere in the turmoil I am in,
I hear Her voice calling from beyond,
Begging me forward,
Calling for me from within,
Causing me to search where my feet have seldom tread.
She hands me sweet Honeysuckle,
And binds me the promise I feel now,
I can sense the chains of my mind slowly releasing their grip,
Now floating upward toward the clear blue sky,
I sense the air of promise fill my lungs,
The miracle of Being removes the clouds from my eyes.
I bathe in eternal currents of Hyacinth petals,
Secure in the essence of all I am and all that She demands,
Dear, sweet nothingness cleanses my Mind,
I hear the song of Love fill the silence around me,
And I know I AM,
And I know there is no other place for me.
I have long begun burying the Narcissus,
Working to plant the Rose in the loving embrace of Lavender,
Begone! those weeds that have so polluted my Garden,
Now is the time of great change,
Of amazing transformation; where once stood fear and disharmony
Now stands a monument to great Beauty.
Beauty for which the eyes are not needed to see.
Beauty for which no mountains need be climbed,
Or raging rivers crossed to be behold.
One simply need sit, inhale, and believe.
The Flowers will do the rest, the slight breezes will take you away,
And you will join me among the clouds basking in the warm glow ahead.
Take my hand my sweet Angel, for you have given me wings,
Take my eyes if you will, take my ears if you must,
But leave me this fragrance where I sit,
Through rain and storms sit here I will,
Enduring all I must in order to simply bear witness to this Garden,
And to Love in this Dance we call life.
To learn more about the meaning of flowers, visit this site:

That is Where You’ll Find Me

Climbing up the Mountain,
Hiking up the Trail,
That is where you’ll find me,
Searching without fail.
Basking in the Sunshine,
Walking in the Moonlight,
That is where you’ll  find me,
If you look for me tonight.
Laying together, Being,
You breathing softly in my ear,
That is where you’ll find me,
If you look at all my dear.
Sometimes you may need a hand,
Others just some space,
That is where you’ll find me,
In Love’s Divine embrace.
If by chance I leave this world,
Feel the wind, the rain, the Sun,
That is where you’ll find me
A journey’s just begun.

Winter Thaw

Basking in the glow of promise,
Expecting nothing in return,
I lapse into the warmth of your Divinity
And fall into the arms of Inspiration.
I laid there once, seeking the end,
Now I lay there embracing a beginning,
Oh how sweet is the nectar of the Divine!
Made sweeter by the sour taste of yesterday.
We walk together in the mountains of Promise,
We sit together by the waterfalls of Hope,
We talk together by the river Forgiveness,
So focused on the present as to have forgotten.
How strange God does give Her gifts!
One day the Sun fails to raise, the next it fails to set,
And others we barely seem to notice.
Today I see it all, the Gift and the Giver are one.
The shell cracks open, the wall comes down.
Inch by inch, brick by brick we are exposed,
Our stories are told, our vision is shared, 
And we find the sense of such unending harmony.
Oh how I miss the song when it grows silent!
I struggle to hear the echoes in my mind, 
Feel the music in my heart, the notes in my Soul.
How I feel the absence of the Musician!
A smile, a word spoken, an embrace of Imagination
Sends me into the Light, spinning..spinning.
A question, a statement, a sign of Spring 
The winter thaw that is much too long in the coming.

Remember (A Lyric)

Here I am silently
Staring into some distant memory
Can I remember?
I’ve picked it up
I’ve fallen down,
I’ve still see the time when I hit the ground
And I remember…
If I knew each time would be the end,
They would be the times that I would defend,
That last kiss, that last embrace,
That last moment our hearts raced…
Here I sit silently,
A smile comes to me at that sudden sound,
I still remember.
You’ve let me know,
You’ve let it go,
And let it fall and scatter pieces all around,
Yes I remember.
If I knew each time would be the last,
I’d hold on to each of those moments fast,
The last “I love you”, that last cry out
In the night is what I’d be about.
I can’t remember…

Fast Forward

I sink into the depths of despair,
Seeing no hope, no choice and no way out.
I want so desperately for you to turn back the hands of time,
And to simply change your mind.
I am lost, I am nowhere and nothing.
I can see only my own suffering as sleep escapes me.
Through the tears and the exhaustion I bathe in it, 
Suffering, my friend, you have returned.
I can feel nothing but the numb stare through eyes not yet opened.
I can’t sense my own breath but fake it in repose,
My mind is racing but I hear none of it,
The voices rage as I allow myself to be swallowed by the storm.
I walk alone down an unholy path,
Toward some unseen destiny,
The sun does not rise yet the stars still fade,
The noose grows tighter as the anger begins to swell.
Why?  I ask no one in particular.
I hold this moment in supreme disparity.
The question was the Daybreak
The answers…
Fast forward.
I sit in stillness, not seeing hope but feeling it.
The waves of Love and Joy fill my Soul,
I know I am not alone even if I sit in complete solitude.
I can love her without even having to hold her hand again.
I have let go of despair, and Love has filled that space,
I embrace the Universe and refuse to let go,
I seek the Love you have within you,
And pay no attention to the judgments you view me with.
I can feel your Love shower me as you look at me.
I can feel your Soul as you speak without ever saying a word.
I know you are getting to a spot where you need no reservation,
You simply need arrive.
I reach out my hand,
Not to help you or have you help me,
But just to say, “Let’s walk together
And share the journey for a while.”
I no longer feel any anger,
And the momentary waves of sadness quickly reside,
Replaced by a smile in my Heart
For where those waves have taken me.
I give thanks for the suffering,
I give thanks for the noose that saw no end,
I give my Love to you expecting nothing in return,
I give my Heart to the world and seek no reward.
The Gift and the Giver are One,
There is no separation nor distinction outside of our mind,
Am I holding your hand or are you holding mine?
The Truth sees no difference.
I now open my eyes, my Soul refreshed,
I inhale Peace deeply and exhale Love freely,
Ready to experience this moment in what it has to offer,
Ready to…
Fast forward into Now.

Today, Tomorrow, Forever

I am sorry my babies,
I could not end your tears
Or comfort your sobs,
Or keep your world from falling apart,
Like puzzle knocked to the floor.
How I would change this moment,
Take away this pain and replace it with a million smiles,
Take these cries and turn them into the laughs
That bring your sunshine to this world.
And never bring this darkness to your life.
My daughter, my sweet little girl,
I caress your face and hold on to your sweet voice in my heart.
I am your Daddy, today, tomorrow, forever,
You are my Angel when you do nothing but be who you are,
I wish this day never had to come.
My son, my buddy, my loving little boy,
I hold your hand in the night and watch you breathe,
I am here for you, today, tomorrow, forever,
I will hold your hand until my dying breath,
And always be sorry that we couldn’t keep the puzzle whole.
Such a heavy burden this end to a miracle
Placed on your souls, your minds, your future,
Who are we to cast such a shadow in the Light?
Sorry souls are we who have given up on all that was,
And replaced it with false hopes of normalcy in what we have deemed necessary.
For now I can wish it all away,
And give you what I can in Love unselfish and pure.
I will wrap my arms around you today, tomorrow, forever,
I will dry your tears and make you laugh,
While searching for an answer to your questions that I can’t answer for myself.
Sleep now my babies,
Someday these tears will fade and your sadness will return to Joy,
You will Love today, tomorrow, forever,
And you will know unending Happiness in your Being,
We will walk together hand in hand remembering…
A boy holding tightly onto his father’s hand.
A girl hugging her Daddy’s arm as to never want to let go.
A time when the puzzle pieces at least seemed to fit together.
We will smile at the Love we shared and imperfection of it all,
And create another today, tomorrow, forever.
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